Sunday, October 30, 2011

Κουρσούμ τζαμί | Τρίκαλα

Το Κουρσούμ τζαμί στα Τρίκαλα σε καρτ ποστάλ των αρχών του περασμένου αιώνα.

Το μοναδικό έργο του μεγάλου Oθωμανού αρχιτέκτονα Σινάν που διασώζεται σήμερα στον ελλαδικό χώρο είναι το λεγόμενο Κουρσούμ Τζαμί στο Τρίκαλα.
Η ονομασία Κουρσούμ, οφείλεται στην μολυβοσκέπαστη οροφή του. Κουρσούμ στα τουρκικά ονομάζεται το μολύβι, με το οποίο στέγαζαν τζαμιά και παλιότερα οι Βυζαντινοί τρούλους εκκλησιών.
Ο θόλος στο Κουρσούμ Τζαμιού είναι ημισφαιρικός και έχει πολλές και σημαντικές κατασκευαστικές ομοιότητες με το τζαμί Νουρί Οσμανιέ της Κωνσταντινούπολης. Η κορυφή του τρούλου έχει ύψος 22,5 μ. και η διάμετρός του είναι 18 μ.

“Koursoum Mosque”, located on the city of Trikala.

The unique building of the great Ottoman architect Sinan, which can still be found in Greece, is the Osman Shah Mosque, also known as “Koursoum Mosque”, located on the city of Trikala.
It was named after the Turkish word “koursoum”, due to its dome which is covered with lead. The word “koursoum” means “lead”. During the past, the architects would use lead to build the domes of the mosques, as well as the domes of the Byzantine churches.
The dome of the Koursoum Mosque is hemispherical and it bears many significant architectural similarities with the Nuruosmaniye Mosque, which is located in Constantinople. The dome has a diameter of 18 meters and a height of 22.5 meters.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Castle Teke (or Griva)

Type: Fortification 
Date: 1807
Location: Between Vonitsa and Lefkada

Historical Facts: The small fortress was constructed where there had been an Ottoman monastery (teke), already known from the 17th century. It is one of the fortifications which were built by the pasha of Ioannina to control the coasts of Akarnania, mainly during the Russian -Turkish war after 1806. An inscription on the wall states that it was completed in 1807. According to written sources, the plan of the fortress was drawn up by French engineers, and it was used for systematic attacks against the garrison of Lefkada. Today it is in private ownership.

Brief Description: The small fortress follows the standard quadrilateral layout with corner ramparts. The perimeter wall reaches a height of 10 metres and surrounds a small inner yard where the gunpowder store for the complex was situated. An ascending path leads to the en- trance to the castle on the eastern side. Inside the perimeter walls there were a great number of covered areas which met the needs of the garrison.

G. Remerant, Ali de Tepelen, Pasha de Jiannina 1744-1822, Paris 1828, 115-117. K.H. Maxairas, Lefkas (1700-1864), Athens 1956, 49. K.H. Maxairas, The Lefkada garrison of St. Marina, Athens 1956, 49.
G. Smyris, The network of fortifications of the pasaliki of Ioannina (1788-1822), Ioannina 2004, 175-177.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Ottoman monuments of Serres (2)

Τα οθωμανικά μνημεία των Σερρών

Coins in the Greek territory under the Ottoman rule (15th - 18th century)

Ασημένια ζολότα Μουσταφά Γ' (1757-1774)

Οθωμανικά νομίσματα της περιόδου Μουσταφά Γ' (1757-1774):

Χρυσό altum (αριστερά κάθετα),
ασημένιο γρόσι (επάνω οριζόντια),
ασημένιος παράς (κάτω οριζόντια).

* Από την εργασία της διευθύντριας ερευνών στο Ινστιτούτο Νεοελληνικών Ερευνών/ΕΙΕ κας Ευτυχίας Λιάτα, με τίτλο: Τα νομίσματα του Βενετοκρατούμενου και Τουρκοκρατούμενου Ελληνικού Χώρου (15ος-18ος αιώνας).

Κοπή του παρά με τη μέθοδο του σφυριού σε οθωμανικό νομισματοκοπείο (από μινιατούρα του 15ου αιώνα).

The "White Tower" of Thessaloniki

Photographs showing the demolished -in1917- outer fortifications.

The White Tower of Thessaloniki (Greek: Λευκός Πύργος, Lefkos Pyrgos), is a monument and museum on the waterfront of the city of Thessaloniki, capital of the region of Macedonia in northern Greece and a symbol of Greek sovereignty over Macedonia. The present tower replaced an old Byzantine fortification, which was mentioned around the 12th century and reconstructed by the Ottomans to fortify the city's harbour, it became a notorious prison and scene of mass executions during the period of Ottoman rule. It was substantially remodeled and its exterior was whitewashed after Greece gained control of the city in 1912. It has been adopted as the symbol of the city.

Physical attributes
The White Tower takes the form of a cylindrical drum 23 m (75 ft) in diameter with a height of 27 m (89 ft) above ground level, on top of which is a turret 12 m (39 ft) in diameter and 6 m (20 ft) high. Some of the embrasures in the outer wall of the tower are reached by a spiral ramp; others are accessed from a central room on each of the six floors. The turret houses a platform with a diameter of 10 m (33 ft), and the platform at the top of the main tower in front of the turret is about 5 m (16 ft) wide.
The tower has been altered substantially over the years. Early illustrations show that it was originally covered by a conical roof, like similar towers in the Yedikule Fortress and Rumelihisarı fortress in Istanbul. Until its demolition in 1917, a chemise stood at the foot of the tower, supporting the heavy guns and enclosing an area at least three times the diameter of the main tower. Octagonal turrets on the chemise and caponiers at ground level provided flanking fire around the tower. It is unclear whether the chemise was part of the original scheme for the tower or was a later addition.

The tower, which once guarded the eastern end of the city's sea walls, was for many years attributed to Venice, to which the Byzantines ceded Thessaloniki in 1423. It is now known definitely that the tower was constructed by the Ottomans some time after the army of Sultan Murad II captured Thessaloniki in 1430. Until 1912, an inscription in Ottoman Turkish verse above the door dated the structure to AH 942 (1535–1536). The historian Franz Babinger speculated that the work was designed by the great Ottoman architect Mimar Sinan, who is known to have built fortifications, including a similar tower at the Albanian port Valona in 1537. The present tower likely replaced an older Byzantine tower mentioned by the 12th century archbishop Eustathios.
The Ottomans used the Tower successively as a fort, garrison and a prison. In 1826, at the order of the Sultan Mahmud II, there was a massacre of the prisoners in the Tower. Owing to the "countless victims of Ottoman torturers and executioners", the tower acquired the name "Tower of Blood" or "Red Tower" (Turkish: Kanli Kule), which it kept until the end of the 19th century.
The Tower was for centuries part of the walls of the old city of Thessaloniki, and separated the Jewish quarter of the city from the cemeteries of the Muslims and Jews. The city walls were demolished in 1866. When Thessaloniki was annexed from the Ottoman Empire to the Greek State in 1912 during the First Balkan War, the tower was whitewashed as a symbolic gesture of cleansing, and acquired its present name. King George I of Greece was assassinated not far from the White Tower in March 1913.
The Tower is now a buff color but has retained the name White Tower. It now stands on Thessaloniki's waterfront boulevard, Nikis (Victory) Street. It houses a museum dedicated to the history of Thessaloniki and is one of the city's leading tourist attractions. The Tower is under the administration of the Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities of the Greek Ministry of Culture.

Sourch: Wikipedia